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Re: unresolved symbols in modules

On Tue, Jul 23, 2002 at 10:05:27PM +0100, Peter Whysall wrote:
> On Tue, 2002-07-23 at 22:05, David Jardine wrote:
> > Running
> > 
> >    depmod -e
> > 
> > produced 8,575 complaints of unresolved symbols (671 
> > different symbols in 480 modules).
> > 
> > Should I be worried?
> This likely means that your kernel and modules in /lib/modules don't
> line up. 
> More info is required, specifically the version of the kernel you are
> using and whether your computer actually works :-)

Well, yes, it does work, which is what rather confuses me.  
I boot from a floppy created when I rashly attempted to compile 
a kernel (2.2.19pre9) some time ago.  I had gone back to the 
original version, but the floppy for that got corrupted and the 
only way I could see to get back in was to use my own weird 

As you may have noticed, I'm way out of my depth in all this, 
but I can well imagine that things don't "line up".  But does 
it matter?  I don't really want to start all over again - I've 
done it too many times already :( - but if there's a time bomb 
ticking in the system ...


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