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Re: CPU or Memory Problem?

On Tue, 23 Jul 2002 05:27:15 PDT, ThomasRatliffDDS writes:
>How does one go about identifying whether this is bad memory or a
>bad CPU?

First of all, run a memory test. memtest86
 <URL:http://www.memtest86.com/> would be my choice for that. Remember 
 to let it run for some hours, at least overnight.

If that doesn't turn up enything, you're in trial&error-land. Rip out 
 everything not essential to system startup, have a look. Re-add and/or 
 -swap components until you find the faulty one.

/ Ing. Robert Waldner | Security Engineer |  CoreTec IT-Security  \
\   <rw@coretec.at>   | T +43 1 503 72 73 | F +43 1 503 72 73 x99 /

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