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Re: system freezes (was: X freezes)

On 22.07.2002 17:05 Chris Jenks wrote:
At 10:23 AM 7/22/02, you wrote:

I am running woody in an Athlon system. Sometimes, when I am working, the system freezes. I though that it was a X problem, so I started a thread on it
in the past. When this happens nothing works, no ctrl+alt+bksp, no
ctrl+alt+F1. The keyboard doesn't respond. The only way to resucite the system is with a hard reset...In order to restart the system in a more clean fashion, I enabled sshd. In this way I can log into the system from another machine an try to restart the system. The ssh daemon works fine, I tested it. Today the problem appeared again, the system freezed. But when I tried to log into the system from another machine I get the message "secure connection to xxx.xx.xxx.xx. refused". So when the system freezes, the ssh daemond stops running too. I think that the problem is not a X problem, but a
more serious kernel (or something like that) one.
I don't have any idea of what is wrong in the system...



I had the same problem when I used the 2.4.2 kernel. There was something somewhere (archives, website or /.) that was talking about the kernel causing problems. If memory serves correctly, it was an issue with a memory leak. I
stopped having that problem when I moved to the 2.4.18 kernel.

I am using kernel 2.4.18 too... I will look after a memory problem, thank you!


Marcelo Chiapparini

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