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Re: Net configuration problem (with MP)

Just one more information :

'netstat -r' or 'route' doesn't work, but 'cat /proc/net/route' gives me

Iface	Destination	Gateway
	Flags	RefCnt	Use	Metric	Mask		MTU	Window	IRTT                                                       
eth0	0000000A	00000000	0001	0	0	0	000000FF	40	0	0                                                                              
eth0	00000000	8A00000A	0003	0	0	0	00000000	40	0	0

which seems correct for a default gateway set to

Still lost...


le lun 22-07-2002 à 14:23, franck routier a écrit :
> Hi Nicos,
> >Are you sure routing is setup correctly and that the interface is
> >really 
> >up?
> Yes, it is (netstat -i shows it's up)
> However netstat -r doesn't report the default gateway route. It
> generates the 'Tx timeout - resetting' message.
> > I don't think the problem's with that, but you can have a look at 
> >it.
> > Also check the cable. It might just be a broken wire or an 
> >incompatibility (sounds strange, but I've got some cards that don't 
> >work with certain cables that other cards accept without a hiccup).
> Doesn't seem to be that, since the exact same cable works with my
> laptop...
> >You might also try that Realtek card. Bad as the chip is, if it works 
> >there's probably something wrong with the current NIC.
> I tried the RealTek card. It doesn't work either. It only doesn't report
> any error message... (dmfe was reporting Tx timeout).
> Do you think of any other clue to look for ?
> Franck

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