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Re: Need Reasons for switching to Debian from Redhat

On Sat, 20 Jul 2002 11:32:59 -0500
Derrick 'dman' Hudson <dman@dman.ddts.net> wrote:

> On Sat, Jul 20, 2002 at 11:08:58AM -0500, Jamin W. Collins wrote:
> | This is not necessary.  It is but _one_ way to solve the problem.  It
> | is possible to have gpm and X both natively controlling the mouse so
> | long as you tell gpm _not_ to repeat.  Perhaps this would be a safer
> | default.
> You can't have 2 applications reading from a device file.  Trying to
> do that creates a race condition and each application only gets part
> of the data stream.  Exactly which part and how much each application
> gets is undefined (the results of a race condition are always
> undefined).

I can only comment on my how it's working here.  While your statements
seem like the logical answer, actual results appear to contradict you. 
I've set up a workstation here with both gpm and X configured to directly
access the device.  I've configured gpm not to repeat.  Everything is
working perfectly on this end.  I switch to a console and gpm takes over
just fine.  I switch to X and X takes over just fine.
> Testing didn't _have_ an installer, until it was time to test it, and
> that definitely wasn't "stable".  You don't test a new installer
> unless you _really_ know what you are doing (and _really_ plan on
> taking careful notes and submitting proper bug reports).

It's not worth arguing over when it did or didn't have an installer.  The
fact of the matter is that it did have an installer at one point that
referenced _testing_ not _stable_.
> | For some reason, when testing
> | was frozen (or just before), it started creating sources.list files
> | that referenced stable instead.
> As it should, since if it is frozen then the release is imminent and
> the release is "stable".

I disagree, as it was not _stable_ it should have referenced it's release

> | Thus, introducing a somewhat confusing bug that no one saw a need to
> | fix.
> Actually, I think everyone saw a need to fix it.  However the fix was
> to make that imminent release actually occur.

Or as I stated above.

Jamin W. Collins

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