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Re: Kernel panic. No init found

Tim wrote:
> Last night my box broke and am sadly back in the windoze partition.  Is 
> there anyone out there that can rescue me?

 Oh, I dunno.. but I have some hints.	 

> I think it occurred while a screensaver was active in X.  On booting up if 
> get the following message:
I have seen a few articles complaining about file system corruption because
of X hangs, and it's screen savers. I personally don't have any screen savers 
installed, but X has hung for me anyway some times, allthough not causing
irrepairable ext2fs corruption. ( I generally also try to detect a pause in 
the tapping of my hdd heads before I turn my power button off on such occations.)

> VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem) readonly.
> Freeing unused kernel memory: 204k freed.
> Kernel panic: No init found. Try passing init= option to kernel.
> I changed my grub boot line to:
> kernel (hd0,0)/vmlinuz-2.4.18 root=/dev/hda1 hdc=ide-scsi apm=on init=/bin/bash

I don't think that grub has anything to to with this. I think you should change 
it back to what it was before.
> This had no effect on the problem.
> I've tried booting into the original 2.2.20 kernel with the same error.

No this is probably a root fs problem, not a boot problem.
> My /etc/fstab hasn't changed:
> <file system>   <mount 
> point>        <type>      <options>                               <dump> 
> <pass>
> /dev/hda1          /                           ext2 
> defaults,errors=remount-ro         0            1
> (with the rest being the same as before)
> /sbin/init exists and has executable permissions.  /bin/sh 
> exists.  /etc/inittab looks OK.  I don't have /etc/init or /bin/init but 
> don't believe this to be important(?).
> fdisk -l /dev/hda1 gives some information about blocks, then the following 
> error:
> Disk /dev/hda1 doesn't have a valid partition table.

This is not an error ! You made a typo.
There are generally no partitions Within single partitions.

You should have run: fdisk -l /dev/hda    
to get some relevant info.

> When I boot from a CD to a command prompt and mount /dev/hda1, I get the 
> following error:
> EXT2-fs error (device ide0(3,1)): ext2_check_blocks_bitmap: Wrong free 
> blocks count for group 19, stored = 28907, counted = 28908
> (twice more-one group error and one super block error).

I believe you should run: e2fck -f 
This might fix your problem, but not to be sure here, You might have to
restore your original superblock 
( there are generally backup copies of it scattered among  in several off 
your ext2 block groups )
Howto achieve this Is a simple switch in e2fck, i believe  but I dunno which 
one. Read it's manual... thunder storm coming up have to break here..

> I'm running woody.  And I'm new to Linux so any hints would be greatly 
> appreciated.  Thanks for your help.
> Tim
/regards Daniel Mose

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