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Re: daemon vs. savelog ???

<quote who="Michael D. Schleif">
> I have a compiled application that runs find under woody.
> This app spews data on STDOUT while running.  I want to run this app as a
> daemon (continuously running in background) and I want to save the stdout
> data to a logfile.  In fact, I am doing this now and everything is OK:
>        $DAEMON >>$LOG 2>&1 &
> Except, when _savelog_ rotates the logfile, the application writes to the
> first archive, rather than the file with original logfile label:

one option is to drop savelog, use logrotate, and have logrotate
restart your process (or -HUP if your process supports it) after
the log is rotated via the 'postrotate' option(I believe)

or re-code the program to log to syslog, that way syslog handles
everything (through savelog or logrotate).

i reaaaaaaaaaaly don't like savelog :(


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