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Re: SuSE and grub

andrej hocevar wrote:
On Tue, Jul 09, 2002 at 06:44:01PM +0100, Ted wrote:

I am booting SuSE from grub...When I first install suse I have scsi emulation
I boot it from grub and type scanbus and get command not found...although it
is ok using the bootdisk...My SuSE partition is hdb4 formatted ext2..
The lines I have in grub are the same ones that boot Debian and Mandrake
both of these are ok..I tried hde=ide-scsi in the suse lines but still did
not work.....Can anyone spot an error ??

I have no experience with SuSE whatsoever, but I use "hdx=scsi", as
pointed out in the kernel documentation. Since I don't even have
much experience with anything scsi, I might be wrong here as well.
What I do know is, that I have the above in my menu.lst.


Thanks for the mail..
I have that line to boot Debian and it works ok...It also works with my Mandrake partition but it will not work with SuSE...It boots SuSE but does not run the scsi emulation..

  Ted Wager
    Linux user

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