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Re: Text 2 Speech

>>>>> "Steve" == Steve Juranich <sjuranic@ssli-mail.ee.washington.edu> writes:


Steve> Well, I should have mentioned in my earlier post that I'm working
Steve> as a graduate student in a speech-processing lab (see the links
Steve> in my .sig).  The festival package does have "quick and dirty"
Steve> scripts that you can run, so it would probably fill the bill for
Steve> whatever you're trying to do.

You can also look at flite (in sid, maybe also in woody), which is based
on Festival, but is a lighter version.  It's much less flexible than
Festival, e.g. the voice data is hard coded (to make it faster and
smaller, I assume).

Hubert Chan <hubert@uhoreg.ca> - http://www.uhoreg.ca/
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