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Re: Kxicq icons not working

On Sunday 07 July 2002 5:31 pm, Gregor Szyrach wrote:
> Hi ben,
> On Sun, 2002-07-07 at 12:37, Ben Thompson wrote:
> > I get same problem with each method:- The program runs, but I don't see
> > any icons. In fact the only icon I do see is the kde green question mark
> > icon in the top left corner of the window. I know there are lots of other
> > ICQ clients out there, but I really like kxicq, and it would really like
> > to get it to work.
> I can only give you a hint, since i completely messed up my sestem
> yesterday. But i had the same troubles, until i copied the icons from
> the common kxicq directory into my personal directory (~/.kxicq/pictures
> something like this) Then the program was able to find the icons.
> If you can't figure it out, i will reinstall kxicq in a couple aof
> minutes, then i can give you more hints.

Yes, please tell me more. I don't understand what you mean by copying the 
icons to your personal directory. Do you mean ~/.kde/share/apps/kxicq2/pics?

Thanks, Ben.

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