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Re: Canonical Way to install Java

> As for your original question, jdk 1.1 is obsolete and buggy (well,
> at least the bugs and other limitations are fairly well-known by now).
> jdk 1.3 is fairly current, and the Blackdown folks provide
> apt-gettable packages.  If you want 1.4, Sun is (currently) the sole
> provider.  Oh, yeah, there is IBM's implementation too, but I don't
> know anything about it.

I'll chime in here about the IBM vs. Blackdown question.  I'm what you call a 
casual user of java (in the extreme).  Actually, I dislike Java apps and often 
favor command line tools (e.g., gnut) over big, nasty Java apps (e.g., 

At any rate, I used to run the JDK from IBM.  Apart from being not-so-easy to 
find, the IBM .deb package also installs itself in some very non-Debian kinds 
of places.  This actually resulted in my having to write a wrapper script for 
the IBM JRE.  I found this to be a colossal pain.  The implementation that I 
just apt-got from Blackdown (actually it was from metalab, but the link was on 
the Blackdown site) installed itself if logical places and all of the wrapper 
scripts were already written.

One problem I've had is that the Blackdown java wrappers get tapped when I run 
a 'chkrootkit'.  I've gone through the wrappers and I don't see any malicious 
code, so I'm pretty sure it's a false hit.  Any ideas about this?

Have fun.

Stephen W. Juranich                             sjuranic@ee.washington.edu
Electrical Engineering             http://students.washington.edu/sjuranic
University of Washington                http://ssli.ee.washington.edu/ssli

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