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Re: Problem connecting app to X display server--more failed efforts

Vineet wrote:
> Now, how do I set the DISPLAY (and other variables I had to set for this
> program) permanently? And do I set them as root, su, or my normal user
> account?

Put them in your ~/.bashrc . Although this will make the apps display on
the other machine even when you're sitting at the one! You could instead
put an alias in your .bashrc that sets it up for you, something like

alias otherhost='export DISPLAY=otherhost:0'

I think I need to understand a bit more about what you are suggesting. The
Debian Unleashed book mentioned something about ~/.login or ~./profile but I
haven't found any more details yet as to the ramifications.

To be clearer, I am not actually connecting remotely to the X display
server. I am simply connecting a local app to it but had an error
instructing me to type "export DISPLAY=<machine>:0" before trying again. As
we know, that didn't work but your suggestion did, Vineet. The app I'm
trying to get running is a military simulation app called OneSAF which is
huge, complex and somewhat cobbled together. So far, I haven't been able to
get it to launch completely. Unfortunately, I am new to the app as well as
Linux. I just happened to be a willing mind and a warm body at the right
time for the right price.  :}  There are about 4 variables that must be set
before starting the app as well as the "fixjava" executable (which must be
run before each restart of the app). I have 2 user accounts as well as root
that are used with this app and I would like the variables to be set for all
of them--globally(?). It would be handy to tie the fixjava "program" to the
launch command, too.

BTW, The software involved is Deb 2.2, JDK 1.1.7, JFC 1.1, Swing 1.1.1,
TCL/TK 8.3.4, Jikes 1.02-1 and OpenMotif 2.1.3. I used the G++ compiler to
compile it. In case that gives a clue.

A *NIX cohort suggested that perhaps I am not connecting to X Windows
properly since I have had that DISPLAY error (still having trouble on
another machine) and now an error "Could not create the registry:
java.net.SocketException: No such device" and the launch hangs there. Ideas?

I am also trying to connect with the OneSAF list. It's government, takes
time and is complicated.

I will be working on a vi tutorial while I await further instructions. ;)
Thanks, guys!

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