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Re: OT: Odd Perl (rm?) behavior

>>>>> "Alex" == Alex Malinovich <demonbane@the-love-shack.net> writes:

Alex> Using xargs works for me if I use the --quote option for the
Alex> script. But the default behavior still produces \\ instead of a
Alex> single \. Though, as I've said, just letting the script print to
Alex> screen shows only a single \. Any suggestions?

That's strange.  It works for me.  Which shell are you using?  I tried
both tcsh (6.11.00-2.1) and bash (2.05a-12).  xargs from findutils
4.1.7-2.   Hmm.  Maybe your version of xargs doesn't grok escaping?
Does "man xargs" say anything about it?  Mine says:

       This manual page  documents  the  GNU  version  of  xargs.
       xargs  reads  arguments from the standard input, delimited
       by blanks (which can be protected with  double  or  single
       quotes  or a backslash) ...

Hubert Chan <hubert@uhoreg.ca> - http://www.uhoreg.ca/
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