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X performance tuning(lots of X apps at the same time)


I wanted to know if someone could provide me with some
insight on how i could go about tuning X to run a large number
of apps at once(mostly terminals). Back when running debian potato
under Xfree 3.3.6 X could do this pretty easily, i would have
maybe 75-100 terminals/applications open at once without much

since i've upgraded to xfree 4 (woody), X seems to tap out when
my process table gets to around 230 processes. that is it becomes
difficult to launch new programs, and old programs(such as afterstep
dock apps) seem to exit randomly. on potato i could get to 290-300
prcoesses pretty easily(same hardware)

maybe a config file option? or a kernel paramter? X4 is in general
less memory intensive then 3.3.6, I have to restart it about once
a month when the memory usage gets to around 150-200MB. 3.3.6 I
had to restart about once every 2-3 weeks with memory usage

my process table is currentl at 229-230 processes, X memory usage
is only at 70MB ..I have 161 processes running under my uid(all of
which are in X), the rest are system processes, approx 260 unix
sockets open on the system.

I am using the same kernel as I was under potato(same compiled kernel)

this has been going on ever since i upgraded around last july/august 2001.
machine is p3-733 512MB, 640MB swap, matrox g400, afterstep 1.6(recompiled
from potato's sources)

i suppose i could just learn to close my terminals when i'm not using
them anymore........but would rather tweak the system to run more!



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