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Re: application profiling ???

On Thu, 20 Jun 2002 12:40:57 -0500, Michael D. Schleif wrote:

>We have a third party application that we are running under debian.  It
>is a complex application that uses many executables, some of which are
>not always running, are called by the main executable periodically; but,
>the periodicity is not constant nor predictable.
>One of these un-predictable processes is causing us problems.  When it
>comes to life, always a new pid, it tries to grab *all* of the cpu and
>it may live for many minutes.
>We need to quantify our problem to the software developers; but, how can
>we do this?
>top is running and we can empirically see the problem, when it occurs
>and when we happen to be looking.
>How can we automate this profiling of this process?

>From a non-coder, an inelegant approach---

>From the emacs shell buffer, run top.  Periodically save.  You can then
run a parsing script at leisure.  That's a manual version.  For
automation, see the gurus at debian-emacsen@lists.debian.org.

Another approach that occurs to me is to do something along the lines

top | grep processname >> toplog.file

You'll definitely need to think of the above as pseudo-code as I am not
on close terms with the Great Coder.

OK, a quick test run shows that it delivers a line of info on the
process for each update of top.  The file is created, but nothing gets
written to it :-/  I shall leave that as an exercise for the class :)
It is interesting to note that as one evil empire (generic) fell,
another Evil Empire (tm)  began its nefarious rise. -- gt
Coincidence?  I think not.

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