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Re: howto manage programs compiled from source ???

>>>>> "Michael" == Michael D Schleif <mds@helices.org> writes:


Michael> It is also clear to me that such self compiled programs are not
Michael> known to the package management databases and, therefore, are
Michael> susceptible to being broken by subsequent package manager
Michael> installations, &c.

User compiled programs should be stuffed into /usr/local (or some
similar area), which the package manager shouldn't touch (much).

It may also be worth looking into the stow package:

| Package: stow
| ...
| Description: Organiser for /usr/local/ hierarchy
|  GNU Stow helps the system administrator organise files under /usr/local/
|  by allowing each piece of software to be installed in its own tree under
|  /usr/local/stow/, and then using symlinks to create the illusion that
|  all the software is installed in the same place.

Hubert Chan <hubert@uhoreg.ca> - http://www.uhoreg.ca/
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