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Re: Beginning to try to secure my box.

You've gotten the answers to your questions, already, but I'll point
you to 


for an okay primer to hardening your box, if you don't already know
about it.  I'm no security expert, but it seems to coincide with most
of the knowledge that I've seen on the net.

Good luck.


>>>>> "arthur" == arthur dent <arthur_dent@xtra.co.nz> writes:

    arthur> I am trying to begin to secure my P.C.. It's only a home
    arthur> computer but may hopefully later be linked to a second pc
    arthur> via 10/100 nics.

    arthur> I was reading a faq on the net about securing a linux box
    arthur> and they recomend to not have certain services enabled
    arthur> unless absolutly necessary. One of these is "portmap". I
    arthur> notice this is enabled by default (I think) on Woody. Can
    arthur> I safely uninstall this service/program without affecting
    arthur> my p.c.?  All I'm using it for is surfing the net, reading
    arthur> email and other "home" type things.

    arthur> Also they recomend disabling nfs...I have "nfs-common" and
    arthur> nfs-kernel-server" installed. Can I safely disable these
    arthur> too? I dont require them for apt-get updates etc?  Thanks
    arthur> for any advise.

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    arthur> debian-user-request@lists.debian.org with a subject of
    arthur> "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact
    arthur> listmaster@lists.debian.org

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