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Re: Making /home not accessible by outsiders

Pollywog(croak@shadypond.com) is reported to have said:
> On Thu, 30 May 2002 13:38:14 -0500
> "dman" <dman@dman.ddts.net> wrote:
> > | I had my home directory o-r but sometimes certain programs could not
> > | read my user config files, so I had to make my /home/user directory
> > | o+r   I had this problem with Procmail after installing Cyrus; it
> > | could not read my ~/.procmailrc
> > 
> > Was cyrus running as root or as your UID?  How does cyrus look for the
> > file?  (probably requires a look at the source)  If it tries to list
> > the directory and then search that list for interesting stuff, then it
> > would need to be readable.  I don't know what stat() requires, but it
> > probably doesn't need to read the directory.  (IIRC stat() is often
> > used to check the existance of a file before opening it)  Shell-like
> > globbing won't work because that requires listing (reading) the
> > directory.  I would also expect procmail to be run as your UID or else
> > it's a security hole.
> I thought perhaps procmail was no longer running as my UID but I could be wrong.  I have made some progress today.
Now all you have to do is remember to limit your posts to 72 or so

Would have thought that after all these years you would remember that!
Hi, my name is Any Key. Please don't hit me!

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