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ntpd not doing anything

Unless I'm missing something obvious, I don't think that ntpd is really
doing anything on my laptop. It runs just fine, I can use ntpdc to get all
sorts of nice statistics, and it recognizes the ntp server on my LAN with
no problem. However, it refuses to actually update my system clock. I've
cut out all of the fluff in my config file so that it now contains only
the following:


logfile /var/log/ntpd

driftfile /var/lib/ntp/ntp.drift
statsdir /var/log/ntpstats

enable ntp
disable auth



I've tried setting the system clock to be anywhere from 2 minutes to a day
and a half off from the actual time being reported by the ntp server, yet
nothing happens. Interestingly, ntpdate works just fine. Any suggestions?


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