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Re: decode base64 encoded partial files with mutt?

On Wed, May 29, 2002 at 08:01:57PM +0200, Bruno Boettcher wrote:
| Hello!
| i have a guy who doesn't stop to send me the info i need in splitted
| word documents, and he's unable to change his behaviour...

There is a limit to the size of an email, which is why the splitting
was developed.

| now for decoding the word documents i use wv and its just fine, but
| acutally i am stuck in decoding the splitted file??

One possibility, I think, I haven't read the MIME spec on split parts,
is to just cat all the base64 stuff together and feed it through
'base64-decode'.  You might need to run each part through the decode
separately and concatenate them afterwards.  (fortunatlely unix
systems make this sort of file operations easy to do)

Before you do that, though, make that guy turn off the "Fast Save"
option in MS Word.  That option is crap.  Basically it means to just
keep appending data to the end of the .doc so that word doesn't have
to expend effort to remove the deleted portions and change the
modified portions.  It doesn't take that much time to save a new .doc
(without the extra junk that word won't display anyways).  If he does
this, then it's likely the file will fit in a single email message
(unless he's embedding large images or writing an encyclopedia or

You could also ask him to zip the document first, to make it smaller.



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