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Re: rpm: can it comply debian policy?

> > One thing that my limited experience with alien has shown me, and perhaps
> > someone can correct me, is that alien does not respect rpm owner, group,
> > mode on files.  So you might alien an rpm and find the files are all
> > owned by 'bob' instead of 'root' because 'bob' created the rpm.  Whereas
> > if you had installed the file as an rpm the files would all be correctly
> > owned.
> This is why alien prints warning messages if you run it as a non-root
> user. If you want owners to be preserved, use root or fakeroot.

Negative.  The above is true even if you run alien as root.

You are probably not seeing it before because many rpms are build as
root and so the rpm2cpio shows the file as root.  But since many build
rpms as a non-root user most contributed rpms such as the ones that I
build are built by a non-root user and the cpio files inside are not
root owned.

Try it and you will see what I mean.  If needed I can post an


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