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Re: screens saver - scrolling marquee

On Wed, May 22, 2002 at 10:28:33AM -0500, ktb wrote:
> I've got a kiosk set up and would like to display what the intended use
> of the kiosk is for, in the form of a screensaver.  I've installed
> xscreensaver.  The only two screensavers included that come close are
> "flag" and "GLtext."  Flag doesn't look very professional and GLtext
> flips around so much the text is unreadable and for some reason the
> letter "T" doesn't have the top line on it.  

You can stop the text in GLtext from spinning with the command line
option "-no-spin" (with 1 '-'). The problem with the letter 'T' is
known (see bug #141635) and according to the report, fixed upstream.


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