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potato->woody upgrade problems (mostly fixed)

apt-get dist-upgrade died while configuring gcc-doc with the message
perl: libc6: version GLIBC_2.2 not found - needed by libdb.so.3.
attempting 'apt-get -f install' failed with the same  message.
I installed libc6 from /var/cache/apt using dpkg and 'apt-get -f install' worked again.

I set up my system with a 1G / partition. Apparently this is not sufficient for a successful dist-upgrade. I now have to re-download 300M because I had to do an 'apt-get clean' when I ran out of space. Can /var/cache/apt/archives be a symlink?

Installing konsole failed because it shared its 16x16 icon file with (the old version of) kdebase. A dpkg -i --force-overwrite got it installed (but not configured) and 'apt-get -f install' cleaned up afterwards.

Installing kdebase failed because it shared the 32x32 kfm icon with (the old version of) konqueror. See above.

One of the tetex packages failed to configure because it couldn't find a file 'XDvi'. It took several apt-get installs to clear that up. Also I had broken my lilo configuration by uninstalling the target of the /vmlinuz.old symlink, which kept lilo from configuring until I worked out what the problem was.

Debconf really really needs a 'back' button, not just dpkg-reconfigure. Which package do I reconfigure to fix my monitor settings? Aha, xserver-svga is it. Hmm, that should have been replaced by xserver-xfree86 in the woody upgrade, no?

Who hit xdm with an ugly stick?

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