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perl and md5 crypt

How would I fix this to generate MD5 passwords ?

I am writing a tiny script that creates student users and assigns the
passwords, sets permissions to chmod 711, sets up user fetchmail, setups the muttrc,
and setups a generic signiture, and a generic web-site.

I am stumped on the, borrowed, cyrpt section of my program.

This function does not store MD5 passwords:

Clear text input:
user = tester3
passwd = board

test command from command line:
useradd tester3 -g student -p 11UuRFQQF.DIE

Output Created by function in the Shadow MD5 file

When I try:
ted@albert:~/admin$ su - tester3
su: Authentication failure

passwd tester3
creates this:

It should look like this MD5 style:


my $myuser = ("tester3");
my $passwd = ("board");
print ("$salted");

# salt_pass
sub salt_pass {

srand (time ^ $$ ^ unpack ("%L*", `ps xlwwa le | gzip -f`));
@range = (qw(. /), '0'..'9','a'..'z','A'..'Z');
$x = int scalar @range;

sub randchar {
  join '', map $range[rand $x], 1..shift||1;
  print ("$_\n");
sub encrypt {
  my $salt;
  $salt = randchar(2);
  $crypted = crypt $key, $salt;
  $key = $passwd;
  $cypted = encrypt;
  $salted = $crypted;


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