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Re: Strange problem with modem when computer is "off"

-----Original Message-----
From: allanwind@mediaone.net (Allan M. Wind)
Date: Sun, 13 Jan 2002 15:17:19 -0500
To: Terence Sheridan <inboard@mail.com>
Subject: Re: Strange problem with modem when computer is "off"

> pay especial
>   attention to setserial.  IRQ conflicts (/proc/interrupts)?

I removed the package setserial and the connection stayed on, well after reboot.  When I reinstalled seteserial, the strange modem connection went back to normal (went away) when the computer was on.  When the computer is off or rebooted, the modem is still on. 

> It would help if you could identify exactly where in the shutdown
> sequence this happens.  E.g. if you watch your first console, you will
> see daemons shutdown, is it before/after a particular daemon or, say,
> when power is actually cut?

I  scrolled locked through the halt process and watched the kills.  The modem connection seems to happen when the power is actually cut, I believe.  Then it goes away when setserial takes over during the boot process (or at least that is what appears to be happening).

I get a message during boot:

/dev/ttyS0 at 0x03f6 (irq=4) is a 1650A
/dev/ttyS0 at 0x02f8 (irq=3) is a 1650a
/dev/ttyS15 at 0xe800 (irq=3) is a 16950/954

Any ideas how to check my modem to see if it wants to wake up or call back when the computer is off?




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