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Re: Woody 2.4 Netinst iso

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On Sunday 13 January 2002 1:22 am, Nate Custer wrote:
> Theo,
> Unoffical is fine with me. I found these iso's allready. From the FAQ:
>  --
> Q: Will you add <foo> feature? / Will you make images that use Linux
> 2.4.x?
> A: No. The netinst CDs use the normal Debian installer, called

I for one would be interesting in exploring this further.

In another post I explained how me gatway box which connects me to the 
network seems to be completely screwed since it hasn't been updated in a 
while and as soon as libc6 in installed everything seems to start segfaulting 
(including dpkg - which means I can no longer install anything else)

Yesterday I downloaded the above file - made a cd of it and started to 

a) It can't see one of my partitions because it is reiserfs
b) It loads my ext3 partitiions as ext2 - so because I had to reboot in a 
hurry after the above I needed recovery which it couldn't do so failed.

The net result is that in the end - my only way to get my server back running 
was to use its disk to disk backup - the above installation disks were 
useless (and because my firewall is iptables left me exposed on the internet 
whilst I was doing it).

I am now sitting with my recovered from backup server that still hasn't got 
past this failing update of libc6

- -- 

  Alan - alan@chandlerfamily.org.uk
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


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