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Re: Fwd: Debian Won't Install! (System Locks Up)

On Fri, Jan 11, 2002 at 01:18:21PM -0800, Mark Seven Smith wrote:
> Adam wrote:
> > BTW, what release are you installing? stable? testing?
> I installed "Woody" at the advice of the list, previously; 
> since it was possible that the console problem had been 
> fixed.  I've heard on the Red Hat list, people that said 
> they would rather be using Debian, but that their video 
> card is incompatible with it.

I believe they do not know what they speak of... Debian has
very little to do with video as a distribution. Console
runs in regular VGA or even on serial port but that
is Linux not Debian... Then there is X which is X and not
Debian.... So Debian <-> RedHat should have the same 
hardware support... 

On different manufacturers that support Linux distros, it
says you can DL RedHat drivers or even tarballs to build
for your own distro, BUT "RedHat drivers" are the same
as "Debian drivers"... It's like saying that Esso gas is
only for Ford and it will not run Honda!!!!

> Anyway, what you say here brings up another thing:
> I HAVE A DREAM: to someday be rid of my pernicious 
> dependence on GUI's!!!

On Debian, you do not need a GUI or even want one for 
many setups.


> I want to do Email and all, from console.  So that when X 
> screws up, I don't have to worry about my mailbox 
> overflowing at my provider (who makes the mailbox fill 
> faster by sending me "notifications" that my mailbox is 
> going to overflow! ;-)
> I've used lynx; so what else should I know about?  What's a
> good Email client?  How I can I figure out "the Debian way"
> of doing the usual tasks, from the console?  (Play CD's,
> for instance, or listen to Internet radio, or MP3's, all of
> that).

I fetch email using cron [crontab] every 30 min. 

To get email from POP [and others] try fetchmail.

To read email, try mutt or others..

To program stuff and have syntax highliting, try emacs, lpe,...

To play mp3 files, try mpg321

To DL files if you know URL, use wget

To play CDs just use cdcd

and I can go on, and on, and on!! :)

The only thing I never done on command line was to
listen to RealPlayer based Internet Radio..

Even mp3 streamed stuff like digitally imported
doesn't get handled very well by mpg321 but
it works with xmms - GUI based.... There might be 
others on command line but I didn't search..

Go to httpd://packages.debian.org and search for any
packages you may want. For most (99%) there exists
a commandline equivelent.

For an easier installation than apt-get, use apt-get
frontend "dselect". I use it all the time...

If you are a command line junkie, welcome to the 
wanders of Debian!

- Adam

PS. If you like text games, try package bsdgames. A large
collection of text based games...

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