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Re: mail server

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On Thursday 10 January 2002 3:57 am, Craig Dickson wrote:
> David B Harris wrote:
> > Second, I recommend Exim :) It's well-maintained, it's the default MTA,
> > and it's easy to set up. However, don't expect a magic wand. When I say
> > "easy to set up", I'm comparing it to other MTAs with similar
> > functionality
> I think Postfix is no harder to set up than Exim (I've done both within
> the last year on Debian systems), and more secure.

I too have tried both - after also trying sendmail and qmail.

Sendmail was almost impossible to understand - although this was the first 
attempt at understanding what I wanted an MTA to do

Then I tried qmail and spent a long time working out a picture of how to get 
it do do wanted.  Eventually I did, but in the end got fed up with the fact 
that it was so non standard in terms of file system usage and how you got it 
to run.

Then I tried postfix - which I have to say is about the same complexity as 
exim (now I have got to know it) - but at the time I had a look at both and 
thought I understood postfix better (the concepts of directors, routers and 
transports of exim when I couldn't see them as separate programs rather than 
sections in the config file really confused me on the brief look).  However, 
I found something I couldn't do with postfix.

I needed a non local transport to sent mail to cyrus imap - and with that the 
parameter that told it to route all unknown addresses to one address (mine) 
seemed not to apply.  Whether it can do that and I just couldn't find it or 
not is irrelevent now - it caused me to look more closely at exim.

I spent a day one weekend concentrating very hard at reading through exim 
spec and the configuration file and "understanding it" and now I that I do I 
think it is most flexible whilst retaining an inherent simplicity.  I have 
just spent an hour or so working out how to put razor-check in it to check 
all my e-mail and I am about to set that up.

- -- 

  Alan - alan@chandlerfamily.org.uk
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