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Re: Restricted / Secure VI (or vi-alike editor)

On Fri, 2002-09-20 at 18:05, Eric Hanchrow wrote:
> >>>>> "Mark" == Mark Janssen <maniac@maniac.nl> writes:
>     Mark> Most importantly is the 'only editing files specified on the
>     Mark> commandline' and 'no shell escapes whatsoever'.
> How about the `rvim' command from the `vim' package?

While all the rvi versions (from vim, elvis, nvi etc) do restrict shell
escapes, none of them restrict reading and writing of other files.

I want to prevent people from doing a

:r /etc/shadow

or saving something over this (:w /etc/shadow) from the restricted vi
session. This is not possible with these rvi's...

I'm still open to other suggestions...


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