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Re: ntpd problem

On Fri, 02 Aug 2002 08:10:34 +0200, martin f krafft wrote:

>also sprach R. Bradley Tilley <rtilley@vt.edu> [2002.08.01.1422 +0200]:
>> Is your local time more than 20 minutes off? If so, I think the sync will fail 
>> and ntpd will die. I had this problem once before, but once I got my local 
>> time within 5 mins of the ntp server time, everything worked just fine.
>nope. maybe 20 seconds... but not more.

When I first started ntpd, it seemingly did nothing to correct the badly
off clock on my machine.  I didn't have time or desire to mess with it
then, so forgot it.  About 2 days later, I noticed that the time had
been corrected.

My admitted abysmal ignorance should be allowed for, but my
understanding is that only a small slewing of the clock rate can be done
at each connection.
gt       kk5st@swbell.net
It ain't so much what you don't know that gets you in trouble---
it's what you do know that ain't so.--unk

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