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apcupsd broken since conversion Debian 2.0 -> 3.0

I have an APCC SmartUPS 1500 connected to my server with the 
(supplied?) serial cable which was working fine.  I've just realised 
that it's not fine at all with apcupsd anymore and I think the change 
seems to have come about through upgrading to Woody using dselect and 
pointing to Woody.  I haven't rebooted and nothing much else seems 
broken.  No other serial connections nor any need for them so not 
sure how to test.  Error message from the restart of apcupsd is:

Fri Jul 26 18:13:30 BST 2002  apcupsd FATAL ERROR in apcserial.c at 
line 173
PANIC! Cannot communicate with UPS via serial port.
Fri Jul 26 18:13:32 BST 2002  apcupsd error shutdown completed

apsupsd.conf is unchanged and points to /dev/ttyS0 as it did before.  
Cable still plugged and screwed in fine and UPS showing green on 
front panel.

Odd.  Anyone else seen this?  Anyone got any advice?


PSYCTC: Psychotherapy, Psychology, Psychiatry, Counselling
   and Therapeutic Communities; practice, research, 
   teaching and consultancy.
Chris Evans & Jo-anne Carlyle
http://psyctc.org/ Email: chris@psyctc.org

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