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Re: How to build an apt-repository from a CD set


* Chris Kenrick <chrisk@aurema.com> [020801 11:03]:
> Given that hard drives are getting substantially large, it's now quite
> practical to store 7 CDs worth of Woody on the hard drive, rather than
> shuffling CDs.  In the past my attempts to cajole the CDs into a usable
> apt repository on the hard drive haven't worked.  Any ideas how to do
> this, or tools that do it?

Check out apt-move. It allows you to put everything in your
/var/apt/cache into a nice repository that apt-get can read. I can't
remember exacltly how much tweaking is involved but it goes a little
like this:

So with your cd in your sources.list

0. Create somewhere for your local mirror
mkdir /mirrors/debian

1. Put all your packages in the cache
apt-get --download-only --reinstall upgrade 

2. Copy all the files from you cache to your local mirror
apt-move update

3. Clean out your cache.
apt-get clean

4. add your mirror to you sources.list
deb file:/mirrors/debian sid main contrib non-free non-US/main non-US/non-free
(or whatever your distribution is)


Debian testing/unstable
Linux onefish 2.4.18-lavienx #1 Tue Jun 25 19:07:48 EST 2002
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