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Re: Kupdated

Tinus Kotzé <13596128@sun.ac.za> writes:

> Can somebody help me with the kupdate daemon' problem. I looked
> around but could not find a understandable page that could help me.
> The kupdated process takes about 1/3 of my cpu and can't be killed.

You shouldn't kill processes just because you don't like them. Your
kernel may love them, and you don't want an angry kernel!

Have a look at the memory usage of your system. Is the physical memory
filled up and the system is constantly modifying files? Are there any
cronjobs running because you have just booted a fresh Woody?

You could try to benchmark your hard disks (apt-get install bonnie++)
and have an eye on your CPU while doing that. If the disks are slow
and the CPU usage is high, you can try to tune your I/O with hdparm if
it is an IDE system. There are HOWTOs out there describing the use of
hdparm. Read the WARNINGS first. :-)

> Can somebody please help me. 

Not with one definitive sentence, sorry.

[x] ulf

ps: My lastname has the same meaning in some languages as your's has
in mine. ;-)))

One of the main causes of the fall of the roman empire was that, lacking zero,
they had no way to indicate successful termination of their C programs.

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