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Re: Maildir use with Mutt

On Fri, May 24, 2002 at 01:29:17PM -0700, Grant Bowman wrote:
| Hi all.
| I'm a procmail and mutt user.  I'm converting to maildir format instead
| of mbox and noticed most of my messages show 0 size now.  Is there a
| procmail recipe to add this information back into it so it's usuable by
| mutt?

There is, but that's not ideal.  In an mbox, messages must have a
Lines: header (often added by the delivery agent) so that a reader
knows how many lines the message is.  With maildir that isn't needed
-- the message goes until EOF.  Mutt's default index format uses the
Lines: header and thus is not ideal for maildir use.  My solution is
to tell mutt to display the size (bytes) instead of length.  I also
use a different index_format for different folders :

# Default index_format : "%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15L (%4l) %s"

# %c     number of characters (bytes) in the message
# %E     number of messages in current thread
# %l     number of lines in the message
# %M     number of hidden messages if the thread is collapsed.

# %?<sequence_char>?<optional_string>?
# %?<sequence_char>?<if_string>&<else_string>?

# default action
folder-hook . 'set sort=date index_format="%4C %Z %{%b%d} %-15.15F (%4c) %s"'
#                                                                ^    ^

# sorting for lists
folder-hook lists.* 'set index_format="%3C %Z %[%b%d] %-17.17n(%?M?#%3M&%4c?) %s"'
folder-hook Sent 'set index_format="%3C %Z %[!%b%d] %-17.17F(%?M?#%3M&%4c?) %s"'

| Second question: when I use Procmail and forget the / on the end of the
| mailbox name I get the messages delivered to the folder but not so they
| are usable.  What's the best way to get them re-delivered properly?

They're usable, it's just an mbox folder instead of maildir.  Mutt can
read it just as well.


    $ formail -s procmail < the_mbox

(man 'formail')



One man gives freely, yet gains even more;
another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty.
        Proverbs 11:24
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