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Re: User's perspective on upgrading to kernel 2.4?

%% Richard Cobbe <cobbe@airmail.net> writes:

  rc> First question: what are the major differences between 2.2 and 2.4
  rc> from a *user's* perspective?

You won't notice any difference, except possibly a difference in

And, of course, in addition to the other enhancements you mentioned if
you use firewalling you get to use the much, much better iptables.  And
of course ext3 is bundled with the kernel.

  rc> Second question: is it possible to have a 2.2 kernel and a 2.4
  rc> kernel installed on the same system and switch between the two by
  rc> means of LILO?  It's a little unclear, but I get the impression
  rc> that the /dev hierarchy, in particular, is very different between
  rc> the two, which suggests that switching back and forth is not very
  rc> easy.

That is only if you enable the dev filesystem, which is still beta, not
enabled by default, and probably not recommended.

If you don't do that, and you stick with ext2 filesystems, you can jump
back and forth without even noticing the difference.

 Paul D. Smith <pausmith@nortelnetworks.com> HASMAT--HA Software Mthds & Tools
 "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist
   These are my opinions---Nortel Networks takes no responsibility for them.

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