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Re: The latest round of antivirus bouncebacks

On Thu, Apr 11, 2002 at 09:22:59AM -0700, Jeff wrote:
| Shawn McMahon, 2002-Apr-10 22:53 -0400:
| > 
| > I find it difficult to believe that there are any businesses requiring
| > their users to use Outlook Express.
| Some are more strict than others, but it's for IT support
| reasons.  IT doesn't want to have to support multiple
| applications that do the same thing (i.e. email clients), this
| gets expensive.

understandable ...

| My company simply says that they just won't support anything but
| those specified (Outlook and Outlook Express), but I can use
| anything I want.

This is a reasonable approach.  This allows you to use the best tool
for the job, but still keeps the help desk's cost down by not
requiring them to understand it as well.  I don't mind orgs telling me
they won't support my tools, as long as they don't prevent me from
using them.  (does my dsl provider know that there has never been a
windows or mac box connected to it?  not likely.)



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