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Re: How does 'compact' do it?

On Wed, Apr 10, 2002 at 03:13:33AM -0500, Donald R. Spoon wrote:

> The kernel on the "compact" disk has several of the more common drivers 
> "compiled in" rather than compiled as modules.  Your SCSI driver is one 
> of those.  This is propably at the root of your problem.

I was far from clear in my message, for which a thousand pardons, but
I double- and triple- checked to be sure that the scsi support was
not, any of it, in a module. "y", not "M".

I suppose some other needed vital support of some sort other than scsi
might have been placed by me in a module that compact builds in, but
the whole thing is moot until I try again, because I:

	a. upgraded to testing, and
	b. apt-getted the 686 smp 2.4.16 kernel deb, so
	c. /proc/cpuinfo shows both PPro's humming away!
At some point I will take another run at building a custom kernel, but
since we are now in initrd territory, if I have problems, they won't
be of the 'built-in vs. module' variety. (I should file that last
claim under "Famous Last Words," no?)

Eric d'Alibut

    I am not a looney! Why should I be attired with the epithet looney
	merely because I have a pet halibut? I've heard tell that Marcel
	Proust had an addock! So, if you're calling the author of 'A la
	recherche du temps perdu' a looney, I shall have to ask you to
	step outside!

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