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Re: login via serial console

On Mon, Mar 25, 2002 at 06:45:56AM -0500, Jason M. Harvey wrote:
| On Sun, Mar 24, 2002 at 09:13:04PM -0600, Ramesh Panuganty wrote:
| | 
| | Edit /etc/inittab to add the line, (if you use COM2 to connect, change ttyS0
| | to ttyS1)
| |     s0:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty ttyS0 DT9600
| | 
| | Then issue: "kill -HUP 1"
| | 
| | If you also need to see the boot-up messages, you need to change
| | /etc/lilo.conf to pass the options for console.
| | 
| | -Ramesh
| | http://panuganty.tripod.com/debiantips/
| | 
<<-- snip -->>

hello again,

i just thought of something... with this same set-up, would i be able to
get pppd to listen on a serial port (not a "modem") and authenticate
that way, to establish a ppp interface so that i can use ip and things
such as samba? i know it would be super-slow, but is it possible?

thanks again,

| http://theigloo.dhs.org:81  | http://counter.li.org/        |
| Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 Woody  | 2.4.16-k6                     |
| jason@theigloo.dhs.org      | registered linux user #202942 |

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