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Re: 3dfx howto -- whereis?

At 1017182369s since epoch (03/26/02 20:39:29 -0500 UTC), Jaye Inabnit ke6sls wrote:
> I have been looking for a HOWTO 3dfx for x4 and my 2.4.17 kernel.  I found 
> some very old info and a old howto from 1998.  Is there something for a 
> Debian Woody user with the voodoo 3 3000 cards?

I don't know of a HOWTO, but I have a functioning XFree86-4 setup with
a Voodoo3 and 2.4 kernel.  It was hell to get going (due to the
aforementioned lack of HOWTO), but I did get it to work.

> glxgears reports: The fps is 960 frames in 5.0 seconds = 192.000
> FPS.

What does `glxinfo` report?  The beginning should say something like:

direct rendering: Yes
server glx vendor string: SGI
server glx version string: 1.2

Note that you should be running at 1024x768@ 16bpp for maximum 3D
performance on the Voodoo3.

Give that a shot, and let me know if you want a peek at my configs.
I'm afraid it's been too long for me to remember how to set this stuff
up from scratch, but hopefully I can still help.

Also, check the list server archives from the past 18 months.  There
have been other posts about DRI on the Voodoo 3.


Jason Healy    |    jhealy@logn.net    |   http://www.logn.net/

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