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3dfx howto -- whereis?

    Greeting fine peoples:

I have been looking for a HOWTO 3dfx for x4 and my 2.4.17 kernel.  I found 
some very old info and a old howto from 1998.  Is there something for a 
Debian Woody user with the voodoo 3 3000 cards?  I have attempted to get it 
fully functional to play TUXracer, but right now, tux is on ludes and out of 
control (slow & beyond user control).  My box is a AMD1800xp w/512mb Dimm.  
glxgears reports: The fps is 960 frames in 5.0 seconds = 192.000 FPS.  Would 
really like to get the card fully functional under Woody's x4 to play tux and 
other silly things.

tia, tatah
plz mail me at ke6sls@arrl.net


Jaye Inabnit\ARS ke6sls\/A GNU-Debian linux user\/ http://www.qsl.net/ke6sls
If it's stupid, but works, it ain't stupid. I SHOUT JUST FOR FUN.
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