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Re: OT: Aliens in the heavans (was Re: seti@home)

On Wed, Mar 06, 2002 at 03:24:32AM -0500, Chris Jenks wrote:
> Forgetting all of the rest of your email, if you were an alien,
> would you want to contact this planet, just based off your first
> paragraph?
> Chris
> ps I'm not looking for a flame war, just pointing out that the
> signals that we are sending out there are not worth replying
> to.

Well, if the aliens managed to perservere despite a significantly
lower lower quality of life than ours, then they might certainly be
interested in our media.  It seems possible that an alien civilization
could be completely barbaric (constantly warring, anarchy) and yet be
technologically advanced (enough to send/receive galactic messages).
Those aliens might look at us and say, wow, that planet gets by with
only 75% barbarianism!

Disclaimer: I do love to read sci-fi :)


Matt Garman, matt@raw-sewage.net
``I ain't never seen no whiskey, the blues made my sloppy drunk!''
        -- Sleepy John Estes, ``Leaving Trunk''

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