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Re: ReiserFS, ext3 (was: 'praise to the debian gods')

MH wrote:
> >>>>> "Craig" == Craig Dickson <crdic@yahoo.com> writes:
>     Craig> But quite stable at this point. I've been running ext3 on
>     Craig> all my fs's for several months, and have never seen a
>     Craig> problem that resulted from ext3 itself.
> *My* experience
> Ext3 nearly toasted my ide-hd and "tidied up" about every second
> directory on the /var partition on a __smp__ machine ...

Would you please explain this?  "toasted my ide-hd" sounds to me like it
physically damaged your drive, and that it would not have done this if
the drive had been scsi.  To me that's silly at best, so I assume that
was not what you ment.

Anyway; I've run ext3 flawlessly using ide disks on for some months
(single cpu machine) including some "evil poweroffs".  The file systems
have (so far) always come up without any damaged files (that I've
  I converted all partitions on my smp machine a few days ago, so I hope
that there is no issues tied to smp...

// Emil

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