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Re: pkg scripts/dependency issues

* 'cduck' Chris Grierson (cduck@u.washington.edu) spake thusly:
> i think you misunderstood my intention.  i wasn't trying to veil a complaint,
> rather ascertain the proper way to mass-install a large list of packages w/o
> encountering the problem of not packages install various files/links/dirs
> because a package has not yet been installed (even if they are all installed
> via the *same*, *single* call to 'dpkg -i *.deb').

"apt-get upgrade" (with "dpkg --[get|set]-selections") is probably safer than
"dpkg -i *.deb". One of the things apt was supposed to do is install packages
in proper order. It's been a while since I looked closely at Debian packaging
system, perhaps dpkg does that too nowadays... (and BTW aren't you supposed to
use "-iGREB" instead of just "-i" when you use dpkg that way?)

"Mirrors and copulation are abominable because they increase the number of 
entities."                                        -- corollary to Occam's Razor

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