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Re: Purify for Linux

* T.Phan (tphan@iqrinc.com) [011107 15:39]:
> Hi,
>   Is there any purify clone for linux?
>   TIA!

Start here:

vineet@gobo ~ % apt-cache search malloc
ccmalloc - A memory profiler/debugger
debauch - A malloc debugger
dmalloc - Debug memory allocation library
electric-fence - A malloc(3) debugger
fda - C malloc debug library
gccchecker - Memory access debugger for C language development
kmtrace - a KDE memory leak tracer
libgc6 - Conservative garbage collector for C
libgc6-dev - Conservative garbage collector for C (development)
libleakbug-dev - Development files for GNUpdate Leakbug tracer library
libleakbug1 - GNUpdate Leakbug tracer library
libmm11 - Shared memory library
libmm11-dev - Shared memory library - development
manpages-nl - Dutch manpages
njamd - Not Just Another Malloc Debugger
libnspr-cvs-dev - Netscape Portable Runtime library - development files (CVS version)
libnspr-cvs4 - Netscape Portable Runtime library (CVS version)
libnspr-dev - Netscape Portable Runtime library - development files
libnspr4 - Netscape Portable Runtime Library

looks like those first 7 matches should e good places to start looking.
You can use apt-cache show <packagename> to get more detailed info about

good times,

Vineet                                   http://www.anti-dmca.org
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