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Re: gnome sound

On Sun, Oct 14, 2001 at 10:51:33PM -0400, Duncan Findlay wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 15, 2001 at 02:13:30AM +0200, Frank Preut wrote:
> > okay, i've had it.. gnome just completely froze my system.. i had to
> > unplug it! just because i had mpg321 running in the background.. i have
> > no idea why that is, it works beautifully in kde but idon't like kde as
> > much as i do gnome but this sound issue is really bugging me.. what is
> > it in gnome that takes over everything related to sound? sound in gnome
> > is provided by esd, right? how can tell it fsck'ing leave leave mpg321
> > alone and share with it peacefully? i'm willing to rtfm, but i don't
> > really know where to start, any ponters greatly appreciated..
> > 
> > thanks,
> > 	frank.
> Two programs can't use your audio hardware at the same time.  That's what
> programs like esd try to solve.
> Esd mixes different programs' sound, so that they share :-)
> Try using mpg321 with the -o esd option.

first of all: mine was a sorry excuse of a post and i apologize. it was

secondly: thanks duncan. so that would be man esd, for starters.

but now: i did startx while mpg321 was running in the background and it
sent the whole thing to hell. as said before i had to *unplug* my
computer to stop it from playing the same half second of the mp3 over
and over again, and besides that, the screen went black and i couldn't
do anything else anymore. is that considered normal behaviour? or should
i try to file a bug against esd? i understand that it's kind of stupid
that i can start multiple mpg321 instances which then play
simultaneously but this behaviour of taking the whole system down is
unacceptable, if you ask me.

apart from this extreme problem i don't really seem to be able to use
sound in gnome anyway. xmms freezes consistently [*], "system sounds" (not
that anyone really needs them) don't seem to work. i'll start reading up
on esd, any further suggestions are welcomed. hardware is a es1371 on
board sound chip which works well on console and in kde.

thanks and best regards,

[*] the "rm .xmms" trick doesn't help here

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