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Re: Lock ups with kernel 2.4.10 & 2.4.12

On Sun, Oct 14, 2001 at 02:46:33PM -0500, Dimitri Maziuk wrote:
> * Morgan Terry (zombie-m@bigfoot.com) spake thusly:
> > I know this probably isn't debian related, but I figured I'd ask
> > here anyway.  My system is locking solid whenever I either (a)
> > exit X windows, or (b) switch to a VT from X (i.e. Ctrl-Alt-F2),
> > or (c) the console blanker comes on.  I have this happen with
> > kernels 2.4.10 and 2.4.12.  I am running 2.4.8 right now, and I
> > don't get the lockups with this kernel.  I haven't tried 2.4.9.
> > I've searched google (web and groups) with no success.  Anyone
> > know what's up with this?
> I haven't seen this with 2.4.10, but I had one lock-up with 2.4.12 
> when switching from X to vc (and I think Midnight Commander started 
> screen saver on that vc). No idea what's causing it, 
> CONFIG_APM_DISPLAY_BLANK is my main suspect.
I still have 2.4.10, and seen the following behavior.

I did 2 things:
Unset XMMS to use realtime priority
Unapplied preemptive patch.

I don't know if one of those things really fixed anything,
But it works now, and I didn't have the time to expirment 
with it.
Switching to X and back works fine, although I haven't tried MC's

I don't know if you use XMMS or not but perhaps that's on of the
things to try.
> Dima
> -- 
> The wombat is a mixture of chalk and clay used for respiration.      -- MegaHal
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