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Re: list etiquette

on Sat, Sep 29, 2001 at 01:02:16PM +0100, Alex Hunsley (fakeAddress@privacy.com) wrote:
> Who runs the debian list? 


> I emailed the list owner address a little while ago and haven't
> received a response. 

> What I said in this email was: I think that it is
> an omission not to say in the confirm list subscription email message
> that all messages will be forwarded to usenet. I had no idea about
> this, so several messages with my un-munged address are on usenet, and
> I'm getting barrels of spam now.  Surely it would be polite for the
> subscription process to mention that your messages end up on usenet?

A mailing list is an inherently open form of communication.  Assume your
address is well known, and assume that your message(s) will be
distributed broadly.  The d-u list is archived in any of several spots,
and an individual message may be forwarded or posted depending on the
whims of the receiver.

I'd recommend spending less time harranging the overworked list and more
investing in a solid set of procmail filters.

Over the past year and a half, I've had maybe three items of spam land
in my inbox,  a few small handsfull in my "grey" (unknown sender) box.
Virtually all spam is either list spam or is filtered to a spam folder
for response (ricochet and spam.pl, both on Freshmeat, will forward spam
to appropriate blackhole and abuse.net addresses), and deletion.


Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>        http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
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