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Re: debian runlevels

On Tue, Sep 18, 2001 at 11:22:30AM -0700, 'cduck' Chris Grierson wrote:
> with the systems we have here at work, telinit'ing to 1 then 5
> hangs the system at the nfs-kernel-server rc script (nfsd),
> presumably because the portmapper is stopped, and not restarted

That should work.  It doesn't, though, according to bugs #60367,
#101726, and #102709.  This is a bug in the portmap package.

> thus stated, what is the recommended way to 'cleanse' the system,
> without restarting (although at runlevel 1, you might as well,
> but i am not considering that an option for various reasons).

What is happening to your system that you feel the need to 'cleanse'
it?  My reccommendation would be to fix whatever it causing that
situation so you don't need to do this.

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