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Re: Mozilla: configure menu fonts?


Karsten M. Self wrote:
on Sun, Aug 12, 2001 at 08:28:29AM -0700, Craig Dickson (crdic@yahoo.com) wrote:
Karsten M. Self wrote:

File is ~/.mozilla/<user>/<odd string>/chrome/userChrome.css

Content that works for now:

font-family: Helvetica !important;
font-size: 8pt !important; */
font-style: regular !important;
font-weight: normal !important;

menubar, menubutton, menulist, menu, menuitem {
font-family: Helvetica !important;
font-style: regular !important;
font-weight: normal !important;
font-size: 8pt !important;
I see you've solved your problem. I can add to the solution a bit, though.

Here's my userChrome.css:

button, input, menu, menubar, menubutton, menuitem, menulist, window {
font-family: verdana !important;
font-size: 3mm !important;

Notice I've added a few more object types to the list. This makes just
about all of Mozilla's UI use the same font.

Thanks, got it.

Is there any real documentation on this anywhere? 

AFAICT, no, which was one of the things I was starting to curse
creatively whilst looking for a solution last night. There's a
document, the XPTookkit (http://www.mozilla.org/xpfe/xptoolkit/), with a
XUL section, but best as I can tell, it's last updated 30 Jun 1999
(that's three years ago, if you're slow on math).

I browsed around the mozilla.org site for a while but couldn't find
any complete definition of what you can put into the userChrome.css
file. I only found examples, which were nice as far as they went but
were far from comprehensive. What are _all_ the object types, _all_
the attribute names, _all_ the units of measurement that are accepted?

Since XUL is XML, somewhere there's an XML DTD specification for XUL
that should specify all this crap. Fuck if I could tell you where that
is. Some of the places I've stopped by in my wanderings.

There are a number of links from the main Mozilla.org page, I've
followed several in depth with no luck in finding an attribute list
including, say, two target elements: 'font-size' and 'menubar'.

First, there's a plug for _Essential XUL Programming_ by Bullard, Smith,
and Daconta. The table of contents lists "Appendix A: XUL Programmer's
Reference", but I don't see anything that looks like an entity


Going to the Mozilla FAQ leads on to "The XPToolkit"


Again, no entity reference.

Links point to "Introduction to XUL"



Hmmm...stabbing around more-or-less at random, I've stumbled across the
CSS2 Specification:


...which includes certain elements such as "font-face" and "font-size".
Interesti ngly, the first example for font-size is specified as points


So, CSS2 (plus or minus a version) seems to supply the entity attributes
for XUL. Next question is: where do we find out what the fuck we can

- "A XUL Bestiary" isn't:

- The "XUL Widget Cheatsheet" comes close, though it's incomplete (no
mention of windows, font-size:

- The "XUL Programmer's Reference" raises the meaning of "content
free" to new heights:

As I've copied a few Moz folk on this, I'd be very interested to know:

- Where the DTD and all attributes are defined.
- Why this isn't in the documentation.
- If there's no comprehensive attributes listing, an explanation of
why not. This should be prominantly featured early in the available
online XUL docs.

Until I saw your example, I didn't even know that you could specify
font sizes in points!

I wung[1] that one, then searched Google and local configs under
/usr/lib/mozilla* for various combinations of 'font-size' to see what
the points argument was.

The only examples I had seen used "mm" as the unit of measurement.

On the one hand, reasonable if your display measures true, OTOH, I'm
used to specifying *everything* in points, and have no idea what the
corresponding mm measurement is.

I've cc:'d xptoolkitstaff@netscape.com and Dave Hyatt <hyatt@netscape.com>
on this post.

All please note reply-to set to debian-user.


1. Past tense of "wing".

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