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Re: exim won't relay mail

On Tue, Jul 31, 2001 at 03:37:48PM +0000, Miquel van Smoorenburg wrote:
| In article <[🔎] 20010731085227.A5521@harmony.cs.rit.edu>, dman
| <dsh8290@rit.edu> wrote:
| >I setup exim on my system this weekend, but it's not working quite
| >right.  I had a school assignment to create a simple smtp client so I
| >setup exim so I could test it without blocking the phone line.  exim
| >delivers locally just fine.  However, it won't send any mail to other
| >domains.  I have it configured as a "smarthost" and I can send
| >messages using the remote server via telnet.  exim's log seems to
| >indicate that it thinks it delivered the message, but messages aren't
| >getting out.
| They are getting out, but they are probably getting dropped somewhere
| along the way.
| > From /var/log/exim/mainlog I have :
| >
| >2001-07-31 08:44:44 15RYtA-0000Jm-00 <= dman@hudson U=dman P=local S=447
|                                          ^^^^^^^^^^^ INVALID
| Some mail server along the way is probably deciding that 'dman@hudson'
| is not a valid envelope-from address (which it isn't) and doesn't
| deliver the mail. It can't bounce it back to you either, since
| 'dman@hudson' isn't a valid address.
| ALWAYS use valid envelope-from addresses.

Makes sense, but how do I set the envelope-from address?  That address
is valid, but can't be identified by any system other than mine
because I don't have my own domain.

I just verified, using telnet, that while the mailserver
(mail.rit.edu) accepts my mail, it didn't get to my inbox on the CS


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